söndag 25 november 2012

Praying for snow

Temperature is below 0 degrees, the snow cannons are now launching out tons of snow at Vassfjellet so the mountain should be ready to get slayed next weekend. My package that I requested is on the way from the boardroom in Boise which makes me more motivated to go shred with my new Union binders. Thanks to Chris at TBR for sending the package all the way to Norway, super pleased. My man Erik is now at home for a hospital visit, no worries though he's not hurt, just a monthly check and he should be back here by friday. Stay updated for photos and info. //OSCAR

If you haven't seen the darkside please go buy it at your local boardstore or download it from iTunes and support VIDEOGRASS. Shit's ill. Stay tuned

tisdag 16 oktober 2012

torsdag 22 mars 2012

Get well

Abbe crushed his knee couple of weeks ago, really bad. Ended up at the hospital and got some bad news. He won't be able to snowboard till next season. Get well bro, we'll shred again soon! Be sure to stay tuned for more photos and videos! WE WILL POST AN EDIT VERY SOON AGAIN! Peace / TSH crew

fredag 16 mars 2012

Alice in wonderland... where u aaaat??

We are looking for a girl named alice, we cannot seem to find her... She might just be far far away from this world. In a world full of fat stoner groooves and psychadelic tunes.

tisdag 7 februari 2012


Almost week 7 and spring break is near. Me, Erik and Rasmus are heading up to Sälen on sunday and we are super stoked that we can live at Albin's place in Malung which saves us some extra cash. Really looking forward to shred with the youngster Abbe again! Here's a picture of the kid stepping it up at Nordic rookie tour in Geilo

Edit by Abbe and friends

1 day at Big air Arena, Tandådalen from Abbe & Theo on Vimeo.

lördag 4 februari 2012